Careers (CEIAG)

Welcome to the Spen Valley High School CEIAG pages. 

Outstanding Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance is integral to our aim to ensure all of our students are able to stand 'shoulder to shoulder' with any other young person in this country and beyond.

We have dedicated staff who oversee guidance and arrange experience of the workplace and other enrichment opportunities, including guest speakers from a number  of professions and sectors.  All of our students will have scheduled appointments with our careers advisors but they and their parents can also contact them directly at any point for advice.

Our Careers Leader is Sarah Jagger (Deputy Headteacher) who can be contacted by email: or via telephone: 01924 405451.

This area will show all documents uploaded to the '/docs/CAREERS/POLICIES' folder.

Documents in folders containing the word 'letter' or 'minute' are listed in the order they were uploaded, most recent upload at the top. Otherwise, documents are listed alphabetically.





