
Please click on the link below to access the school Homework Policy: 

Homework Policy


Homework at Spen Valley High School

All homework will be set on ClassCharts. Students will be expected to log into their ClassCharts account on a daily basis to check what homework has been set.

Key Stage 3

Homework for KS3 students will be focused on revision, core knowledge quizzes and attendance at Spenrichment clubs. Homework will be set weekly in only the core subjects of English, Maths and Science, which will be: 

English – Completing weekly homework set on Educake

Maths – Completing weekly homework set on Dr Frost Maths

Science – Completing weekly homework set on Educake

For all other assessed subjects, any homework which is set will be based on revision for the key assessments as outlined in the Assessment, Marking and Feedback policy. This will be based on retrieval and revision activities taught and modelled to students in lessons (e.g. mind-maps or flash cards) so students feel confident in completing this independently. This will be set once per half-term from half-term 3 of the 2024-25 academic year. We have reduced the amount of home learning for KS3 students in this way so that they have enough time to attend extra-curricular clubs. The expectation is that all KS3 students should attend one Spenrichment club per term. These are clubs designed to boost the personal development and life skills of our students.


Key Stage 4

Homework for Key Stage 4 students will be set weekly in the core subjects of English, Maths and Science. For all other ‘options’ subjects, homework will be set fortnightly. Again, this homework will always be set on ClassCharts.

Year 11 students are also expected to attend after-school intervention sessions. Each student receives a personalised intervention timetable which they should follow. There are two 30-minute intervention sessions on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. English, Maths and Science are always session one (15:10-15:40), followed by options subjects (15:40-16:10). Fridays are just for options subjects and run from 15:10-16:10. Year 11 students can also attend room 108 for extra support on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays until 16:30.




Students in KS3 complete their English and Science homework on Educake.

Students are provided with their username and password for Educake in their English and science lessons. Should students need confirmation of their username or password, they should contact their English or Science teacher on ClassCharts.


Dr Frost Maths


Students in KS3 complete their Maths homework on Dr Frost Maths.

Students log in using their school email address and the password ‘password’. Once logged in, students are able to change their password. Should students need confirmation of their username or their password changing, they should contact their Maths teacher on ClassCharts.



Should you have any questions regarding homework, please contact the subject teacher in the first instance, or Mr J Boyd (Assistant Headteacher) on jboyd@spenvalleyhighschool.co.uk


