Performing Arts (Dance)

Curriculum Summary

Please click on the link below to access the Dance Curriculum Summary: 

Dance Curriculum Summary

Excellence Statement

An excellent dancer will explore performance styles, creative intentions and purpose. They should enjoy investigating how practitioners create and influence various dance performances and through passion for dance, discover how performance roles, skills and techniques can impact on the whole creation. During performance they can confidently project their ideas and hold an audience throughout.

These excellent dancers will relish taking part in practical workshops, building on their physical and interpretive skills, and then be able to apply these skills into a performance. It is also a requirement for these students to be able to reflect on their progress and establish clear targets for improvement, using terminology accurately and appropriately. These students will undoubtedly inspire and motivate the work of others and be role models for future dancers.

Qualification and Revision Website

Pearson/Edexcel BTEC Tech Award in Performing Arts (Dance)

Further Information

To find out more about the Dance Curriculum please email Mrs Dracup:
