Financial Information
Financial Benchmarking
Benchmarking is a way of comparing a school's spending with similar schools (considering size, geographical area, local authority etc). It allows a school to look at spend in different areas such as staffing; supplies and services; and premise, as well as against the individual consistent financial reporting codes. It also helps inform the schools development process.
More information on Schools Financial Benchmarking can be found on the Government Website
Click here for our Schools Financial Benchmarking Data
How many staff earn over £100,000?
Schools are now required to publish the number of staff who are currently earning over £100,000 (gross salary).
At Spen Valley High School we have 1 members of staff who earn over £100,000.Charges and Remissions
There may be times when parents are asked to pay/contribute for instance school trips, examination re-sits, materials and textbooks etc.
Click here for our Charges and Remissions Policy 2021